Continuing Education:


Currently CE courses will be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month for an introductory price of $99, for each class.  Classes are structured as a 6 hour Part A and a 6 hour Part B; each on different Wednesdays.  Students may take either Part A or Part B first.  Part A includes the hands-on education and Part B includes the marketing and a business plan.  Part B was created so that students receive ideas on how to incorporate the new modality into the current business plan.

In 2024, when I was completing the required 12 hours every two year continuing education, I was surprised to find NO reasonably priced CE's hours that taught hands-on techniques.  Therefore I thought it would be fun to offer reasonably priced, hands-on courses the second Wednesday of each month (excluding holidays).  

In the past I have spent $2500 to $350 for hands-on classes.  One of the problems with hands-on CE's that I wish to address, is the lack of marketing ideas.  After investing substantial time and money in continuing education classes, I found that my "Swedish or Deep Tissue Massage Clientele" was not really that interested to experience the new procedures.  They were accustomed to and liked the protocols I had already mastered.  With  this in mind, understanding how to market a new modality is of the utmost importance.  The marking portion is taught on the 4th Wednesday each month while the hands-on portion is taught the 2nd Wednesday of each month, (with the exception of the hands-on class taught Wednesday August 28, 2024) .  Classes can be taken in any order.

 Since 2020, I have been blessed to make many valuable observations, as I have worked at the front desk.  I noticed that many massage therapists could benefit from being able to carry out protocols that required less physical exertion thus allowing them to conserve energy and reduce the stress on their bodies.  With this in mind for the first few months, CE classes will include hands-on continuing education that implement lighter pressure techniques that still offer dramatic results.  

 CLASS SCHEDULE: Currently all courses listed below will be taught by Nilda Tull MI0309

 4th Wednesday August 28, 2024 - Hands On Facial Lymphatic Drainage (for non surgical clients)

 2nd Wednesday September 11, 2024 - Hands on Upper Body Lymphatic Drainage (for non surgical clients)

 4th Wednesday September 25, 2024 - Marketing Lymphatic Drainage

 2nd Wednesday October 9, 2024 - Hands on Lower Body Lymphatic Drainage (for non surgical clients)

 4th Wednesday October 23, 2024 - Marketing Lymphatic Drainage

 2nd Wednesday November 13 - Hands-on Facial Shiatsu

 4th Wednesday November 27, 2024 - Marketing Facial Shiatsu

 If you want a specific continuing education course I can teach.  Call or text me at 817-492-5317